University of Sydney Particle Physics Group


The University of Sydney Particle Physics Group (formerly known as the High Energy Physics Group or the Falkiner High Energy Physics Department) is part of the School of Physics, which is in the Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney.

High Energy, or Particle, physics involves the study of the world of subatomic particles by observing the collisions and decays of particles accelerated either naturally (for example as in the case of cosmic rays) or using accelerators. Our group is currently involved in both experimental and theoretical particle physics research.

We are a member of the Sydney Consortium for Particle Physics and Cosmology (Sydney-CPPC), along with colleagues at the University of New South Wales. We also share interests (and some members) with the Astroparticle Physics group within the School of Physics.

Our areas of research include:

You can find out more about our work in these areas by contacting members of our group. There are excellent opportunities for new students in any of our research areas.